Yesterday, Thursday 3rd October, we presented our 4th global report on Time Banks, this year dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Time Banks in the UK, to the heads and leaders of networks and Time Banks around the world. We will shortly publish a more extensive report on the event, along with a video recording of the event for those who were unable to attend.
We now present this 4th world report of our association in three languages, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE and ENGLISH, for the dissemination, reading and enjoyment of all our users, friends and sympathisers around the world, thanking again all those organisations, Time Banks and people who have helped to make this publication available today, which we believe can also be a rather clear reference of the situation of Time Banks in the world today.
This report brings together articles from Time Banks in Cameroon, South Korea, China, Spain, USA, India, Kenya, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom, Uganda and Tanzania.
We extract these facts from the report:
‘...we are present in more than 60 countries and in 5 continents.
There are 8 international platforms that facilitate the creation and development of Time Banks everywhere, as well as five national networks of Time Banks and three international organisations.
There are more than 1,000 operational Time Banks worldwide, as detailed in our Time Bank world map.
More than 500,000 users in all these Time Banks exchanging knowledge, skills and favours, strengthening their communities and families and themselves with their own resources.
And millions of hours of care, affection, culture and knowledge exchanged without money, in an agile, abundant and varied way, investing our time to build a more sustainable and habitable planet for us and for the next generations...’.
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